Web Server

BIOFFORC: Tool development for biological file format conversion
C. S. Vinobha et al., 3(2), 98-99 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Current Trends

Mitochondrial gene rearrangements: new paradigm in the evolutionary biology and systematics

T. R. Singh et al., 3(2), 95-97 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Modeling of human CCR5 as target for HIV-I and virtual screening with marine therapeutic compounds

S. Manikandan & B. K. Malik, 3(2), 89-94 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Docking of oxalyl aryl amino benzoic acid derivatives into PTP1B
N. Verma
et al., 3(2), 83-88 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Prediction Model

Ranking of binding and nonbinding peptides to MHC class–I molecules using inverse folding approach: Implications for vaccine design

S. P. Singh & B. N. Mishra, 3(2), 72-82 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Prediction Model

Accurate and robust gene selection for disease classification using a simple statistic

H. Mutsubayashi et al., 3(2), 68-71 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



PFA: Program for the quantitative assessment of cell metabolism by spectral data analysis

C. Orr et al., 3(2), 65-67 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



SNUFER: A software for localization and presentation of single nucleotide polymorphisms using a Clustal multiple sequence alignment output file
M. A. Mansur
et al., 3(2), 63-64 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



PlantGM: a database for genetic markers in rice (Oryza sativa) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa)

C. K. Kim et al., 3(2), 61-62 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



BEID: Database for sequence-structure-function information on antigen-antibody interactions

J. C. Tong et al., 3(2), 58-60 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT