BIOFFORC: Tool development for biological file format conversion
Chinnaiah Swaminathan Vinobha1, Maruthamuthu Rajadurai2,* Ekambaram Rajasekaran3
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1P.G. & Research Department of Bioinformatics, PRIST University, Thanjavur;2, *P.G. Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli; 3Department of Biotechnology, Periyar Maniammai University, Vallam, Thanjavur
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mr.rajadurai@gmail.com; * Corresponding author
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Article Type
Web Server
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received July 23, 2008; revised September 02, 2008; accepted September 13, 2008; published October 25, 2008
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Abstract |
The use of bioinformatics tools require different sequence formats at various instances. Every tool uses specific set of formats for processing. Sequence in one format is often required in another format. Thus, there is a need for sequence format conversion. A number of such tools are available in the public domain. Here, we describe BIOFFORC as a file format converter. The tool is developed with a graphical user interface in PERL.
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bioinformatics; sequence; format; read; write; conversion; tools.
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Vinobha et al., Bioinformation 3(1): 98-99 (2008)
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Edited by
P. Kangueane
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Biomedical Informatics Publishing Group
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