SNUFER: A software for localization and presentation of single nucleotide polymorphisms using a Clustal multiple sequence alignment output file
Marco A. B. Mansur1, Giovana P. Cardozo1, Elaine V. Santos1 and Mozart Marins1, 2, *
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1Unidade de Biotecnologia, UNAERP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil; 2Heranza - Biotecnogia, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.
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marins@heranza.com.br; * Corresponding author
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Article Type
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received August 13, 2008; accepted September 17, 2008; published October 17, 2008 | |
Abstract |
SNUFER is a software for the automatic localization and generation of tables used for the presentation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After input of a fasta file containing the sequences to be analyzed, a multiple sequence alignment is generated using ClustalW ran inside SNUFER. The ClustalW output file is then used to generate a table which displays the SNPs detected in the aligned sequences and their degree of similarity. This table can be exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or as a single text file, permitting further editing for publication. The software was written using Delphi 7 for programming and FireBird 2.0 for sequence database management. It is freely available for noncommercial use and can be downloaded from http://www.heranza.com.br/bioinformatica2.htm.
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software; single nucleotide polymorphisms; multiple sequence alignment; ClustalW
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Mansur et al., Bioinformation 3(2): 63-64 (2008)
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Edited by
P. Kangueane
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Biomedical Informatics
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