
An integrated database to enhance the identification of SNP markers for rice

C. K. Kim et al., 4(6) 269-270 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



A Database for anti-diabetic plants with clinical/ experimental trials
S. Singh et al., 4(6) 263-268 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Prediction Model
Relationship between human oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinoma at a genomic level: a data-mining study
L. Giacomelli et al., 4(6) 258-262 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Prediction Model
LCK, survivin and PI-3K in the molecular biomarker profiling of oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinoma

O. Oluwadara et al., 4(6) 249-257 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Dataset of potential targets for Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv through comparative genome

S. M. Asif et al., 4(6) 245-248 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


A modeled structure for amidase-03 from Bacillus anthracis

R. D. Sharma et al., 4(6) 242-244 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Amino acid sequence divergence of Tat protein (exon1) of subtype B and C HIV-1 strains: Does it have implications for vaccine development?
A. J. Kandathil et al., 4(6) 237-241 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Comparative study of antioxidants as cancer preventives through inhibition of HIF-1 alpha activity

J. Upadhyay et al., 4(6) 233-236 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Prediction of functional engrailed homology-1 protein motif from sequence

D. S. Dalafave, 4(6) 229-232 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Model based design of inhibitors for c-jun
P. Chauhan & M. Shakya, 4(6) 223-228 (2009) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT