Prediction Model

Prediction for human transcription starts by using diversity measure with quadratic discriminant

J. Lu & L. Luo, Bioinformation 2(7), 316-321 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Molecular authentication of three Italian melon accessions by ARMS-PCR and ITS1 (internal transcribed spacer 1) secondary structure prediction

S. Fantaccione et al., Bioinformation 2(7), 311-315 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Current Trends

Silkworm nucleotide databases - Current trends and future prospects

N. Koshy et al., Bioinformation 2(7), 308-310 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Role of thymine in protein coding frames of mRNA sequences

P. Anandagopu et al., Bioinformation 2(7), 304-307 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



SDED: A novel filter method for cancer-related gene selection

W. Zu et al., Bioinformation 2(7), 301-303 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Primary response of the sGC heme binding domain to the cleavage of the Fe-His bond

H. Zhang et al., Bioinformation 2(7), 296-300 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT



Functional annotations in bacterial genomes based on small RNA signatures

J. Sridhar & Z. A. Rafi, Bioinformation 2(7), 284-295 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


A tool for the prediction of functionally important sites in proteins using library of functional templates

C. J. Lanczycki & S. Chakrabarti, Bioinformation 2(7), 279-283 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Prediction Model
Multi-scale parametric spectral analysis for exon detection in DNA sequences based on forward-backward linear prediction and singular value decomposition of the double-base curves

M. K. Choong & H. Yan, Bioinformation 2(7), 273-278 (2008) PDF, HTML-ABSTRACT


Web server

CALCOM: A software for calculating the center of mass of proteins
S. Costantini et al., Bioinformation 2(7), 271-272 (2008)