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Age dependent vestibulo-ocular reflex gain in video head impulse test among normal individuals of Indian population



Saraswathi Avula1,*, Saran Kumar2, Senthil Vadivu2 & Mohan Kameswaran2



1Department of ENT, GITAM Institute of Medical sciences and Research, GITAM Deemed to be University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India; 2Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, India; *Corresponding author



Saraswathi Avula - E-mail:articlegimsr@gmail.com; drsaraswathiavula@gmail.com; Phone: +91 9985563990

Saran Kumar - E-mail: saranstanlean@gmail.com; Phone: +9176274724

SenthilVadivu - E-mail: drasv77@gmail.com; Phone: +91 9884467478

Mohan Kameswaran - E-mail: merfmk30@yahoo.com; Phone: +91 44 24311411


Article Type

Research Article



Received May 1, 2024; Revised May 31, 2024; Accepted May 31, 2024, Published May 31, 2024



Determination of the normative data of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex gain using VHIT of all three semicircular canals (anterior, posterior, horizontal) on both sides in different age groups is of interest. This is an observational study comprised of 10 healthy individuals in each decade from less than 10 years to 80 years of both sexes making a total of 80. The study was done using the equipment SYNAPSYS VHIT ULMER with Software EVOLUTION 3.0. Mean VOR gain of each decade for all the semicircular canals is calculated and they are compared using ANOVA (Analysis of variance). In our study, percentage of patients with overt saccades is nil. Hence, in our study, the occurrence of covert saccades was insignificant as compared to the above studies. Age dependent VOR gain in normal individuals did not have any significance in our study of 80 patients performed by video head impulse test. VOR gain in our study is not affected by age. Normative data for different age groups obtained compared among different age groups showing no significant difference in Mean VOR gain. The normative values of VOR gain can be compared to patients with dizziness thus helping in determining any vestibular loss.



Vestibulo-ocular reflex, impulse test, vertigo, vestibular loss



Avula et al. Bioinformation 20(5): 520-527 (2024)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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