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Estimation of age using pulp/tooth area ratio using orthopantomographs and intra-oral periapical radiographs



Monika Mehru1, Rohit Sharma1, Vipin Kumar1, Himani Hazara1, Shubhangi Joshi1, Kumar Gaurav Chhabra1 & Amit Reche2



1Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, NIMS Dental College & Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 2Department of Public Health Dentistry, Sharad Pawar Dental College, DMIHER, Sawangi Meghe, Wardha, Maharashtra, India; *Correspondong author



Monika Mehru - E - mail: mehrumonika@gmail.com
Rohit Sharma - E - mail: rohit.sharma@nimsuniversity.org
Vipin Kumar - E - mail: vkyadavatali1988@gmail.com
Himani Hazara - E - mail: himanih0610@gmail.com
Shubhangi Joshi - E - mail: shubhangijoshi255@gmail.com
Kumar Gaurav Chhabra - E - mail: rajsushil.chhabra@gmail.com
Amit Reche - E - mail: dramitreche@gmail.com


Article Type

Research Article



Received December 1, 2024; Revised December 31, 2024; Accepted December 31, 2024, Published December 31, 2024



In forensic dentistry, teeth are crucial for assessing age, as they remain intact even after death. Various regression models, such as polynomial regression, new robust regression equations, multiple linear regression models, and partial least squares linear regression, are used to determine age. The pulp/tooth area ratio (AR) of maxillary canines is a direct link between age and the subject's age, making multiple regressions the most reliable method. Teeth hardness and invariant changes in their structure also strengthen teeth's applicability in estimating age. These statistical methods are suitable for both forensic and clinical applications, making them suitable for both forensic and clinical applications.



Age determination, forensic science, pulp, orthopantomography, radiography



Mehru et al. Bioinformation 20(12): 2040-2044 (2024)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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