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Impact of reminiscence therapy on the well-being among elderly residents at an old age homes in Chennai, India



Schwartzlin Vinolia Paul Sathiyanathan1, Theranirajan Ethiraj2, Shankar Shanmugam Rajendran3, Venkatesh Madhan Kumar4, Anbalagan Marudan5, Balasubramanian SriVidhya3 & Gayathri Ellappan Karunakaran3



1Department of Psychiatric Nursing, College of Nursing, Madras Medical College, Chennai, The TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; 2Department of Paediatrics, Madras Medical College, The TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; 3Department of Paediatric Nursing, College of Nursing, Madras Medical College, The TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; 4Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health, Madras Medical College, The TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; 5Department of Child Health Nursing, Madras Medical College, The TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; *Corresponding author



Schwartzlin Vinolia Paulsathiyanathan - E - mail: vinoliapraba@gmail.com
Theranirajan Ethiraj - E - mail: deanmmc@tn.gov.in
Shankar Shanmugam Rajendran - E - mail: shankarshaki@yahoo.com
Venkatesh Madhan Kumar - E - mail: VVMK75@gmail.com
Anbalagan Marudan - E - mail: anbalagan.avi@gmail.com
Balasubramanian SriVidhya - E - mail: srusur@yahoo.com
Gayathri Ellappan Karunakaran - E - mail: gayathrignanam31@gmail.com


Article Type

Research Article



Received December 1, 2024; Revised December 31, 2024; Accepted December 31, 2024, Published December 31, 2024



The growing aging population presents challenges for healthcare systems, with many elderly residents in old age homes experiencing loneliness and reduced autonomy. Reminiscence therapy, which involves recalling past experiences, shows promise in improving well-being and quality of life. Therefore, it is of interest to evaluate the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy over 4 weeks at an old age home in Kodambakkam, Chennai, using a pre-test and post-test design with 50 elderly participants. Results showed significant improvements, with well-being scores increasing by 12.17% and quality of life scores rising by 15.69%. Qualitative data revealed that engagement and family dynamics contributed to positive outcomes, while feelings of loneliness remained complex. The findings suggest that reminiscence therapy can enhance psychological well-being and should be incorporated more widely in elderly care.



Reminiscence therapy, hedonic well-being, old age homes, quality of life, elderly care



Sathiyanathan et al. Bioinformation 20(12): 1994-1997 (2024)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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