Title |
C-reactive protien levels among Indian patients with acute ischemic stroke |
Authors |
Nityanand Billa*, Anjali More & Vasant Deokar |
Affiliation |
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, Maharashtra, India; *Corresponding author |
Nityanand Billa - E - mail: nitya9797@gmail.com
Article Type |
Research Article
Date |
Received October 1, 2024; Revised October 31, 2024; Accepted October 31, 2024, Published October 31, 2024 |
Abstract |
Studies have shown that stroke (ST), a grave neurological condition (NL-CD), delineates a clinical syndrome characterized by the abrupt onset of focal or global cerebral function disturbances (G-CB-FN-DTB), persisting for more than 24 hours or resulting in death, primarily attributed to a vascular origin. Therefore, it is interest to elucidate the relationship between plasma CRP levels and acute ischemic stroke (A-IS-ST), analyzing their dynamic interplay concerning ST incidence (ICD), severity (SV) and outcomes (OT). 50 patients were involved to assess C-reactive protien (CRP) level for ST estimated myocardial infarction (STEMI). We found that, significant difference in below and above levels of CRP level in STEMI patients. Thus, incorporating CRP level assessments into routine diagnostic test is important for the evaluation of ST. |
Keywords |
Neurological condition, stroke (ST) incidence, severity, outcomes, acute ischemic stroke & cerebral function disturbances.
Citation |
Billa et al. Bioinformation 20(10): 1413-1417 (2024)
Edited by |
Neelam Goyal & Shruti Dabi
Publisher |
License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.