Title |
Evaluation of hyper-lipidaemia as a predictive marker for gestational diabetes among Indian women
Authors |
Shivani Chitale*, Sanjaykumar Patil & Nitin S. Kshirsagar
Affiliation |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad - 415110, Maharashtra, India; *Corresponding author |
Shivani Chitale - E - mail: skc.chitale@gmail.com Sanjaykumar Patil - E - mail: dryspmaher@gmail.com Nitin S. Kshirsagar - E - mail: nkshirsagar49@yahoo.com |
Article Type |
Research Article
Date |
Received October 1, 2024; Revised October 31, 2024; Accepted October 31, 2024, Published October 31, 2024
Abstract |
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an impaired capacity to metabolize carbohydrates throughout pregnancy; its occurrence is increasing in around 20-27% globally. Therefore, it is of interest to know the hyperlipidemia levels at 12-14 weeks with GDM. 100 patients were assessed using history, general, systemic, antenatal and routine examination along with follow-up at 20 weeks for Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). Data shows that triglyceride, total cholesterol and hyperlipidemia levels showed significant predictors of development of GDM as the p value was <0.05. Although gestational diabetes mellitus is linked to surgical deliveries and foetal problems such as macrosomia yet more studies are recommended to validate the data.
Keywords |
Gestational diabetes mellitus, 12-14 weeks, hyperlipidemia levels, pregnancy, oral glucose tolerance test.
Citation |
Chitale et al. Bioinformation 20(10): 1206-1210 (2024)
Edited by |
Neelam Goyal & Shruti Dabi
Publisher |
License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.