Title |
XYLab: an interactive plotting tool for mixed multivariate data observation and interpretation
Authors |
Matteo Ramazzotti1, Elodie Monsellier1and Donatella Degl’Innocenti1, *
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Affiliation |
1Department of Biochemical Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
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matteo.ramazzotti@unifi.it; * Corresponding author
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Article Type |
Prediction Model
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Date |
received March 04, 2008; revised May 23, 2008; accepted May 27, 2008; published July 03, 2008 | |
Abstract |
The correct display of data is often a key point for interpreting the results of experimental procedures. Multivariate data sets suffer from the problem of representation, since a dimensionality above 3 is beyond the capability of plotting programs. Moreover, non numerical variables such as protein annotations are usually fundamental for a full comprehension of biological data. Here we present a novel interactive XY plotter designed to take the full control of large datasets containing mixed-type variables, provided with an intuitive data management, a powerful labelling system and other features aimed at facilitating data interpretation and sub-setting.
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Availability |
XYLab program, test dataset and manual is available at www4.unifi.it/scibio/bioinfo/XYLab.html | |
Keywords |
multivariate data; scatter plot; labels; search; subset
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Citation |
Ramazzotti et al., Bioinformation 2(9): 392-394 (2008)
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Edited by |
W. Cuff
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Publisher |
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License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. |