Title |
Effect of Beta vulgaris extracts on dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls |
Authors |
B. Mahalakshmi1, N. Sivasubramanian1,*, Payal Vaghela1, Rohit Divya Ganvanthbhai1, Gurav Priyanka Rajeshbhai1, G. Ramalakshmi1, D. Prakash2 & Gnanadesigan Ekambaram3
Affiliation |
1Nootan College of Nursing, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat -384315, India; 2College of Nursing, S.G.R.R University, Dehradun, Uttarkhand 248001,India; 3Department of Physiology, Nootan medical college and Research Centre, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat - 384315, India *Corresponding author
B Mahalakshmi - E-mail:
Article Type |
Research Article
Date |
Received June 2, 2022; Revised July 31, 2022; Accepted July 31, 2022, Published July 31, 2022
Abstract |
Dysmenorrhea is painful menstrual periods which are caused by uterine contractions. The ache is commonly felt in the pelvic or lower abdomen around the time menstruation begins. Periods aren't the best time for a woman to feel strong and energized. With all of the blood loss, cramps, and exhaustion, finding enough excitement to get through the day's responsibilities is difficult. Vulgaris Beta Potassium and nitrates, both of which are necessary for blood pressure regulation, are abundant in juice. For energy, only 50ml of beet juice is required. The analysis of data was done by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study identified that 46.66 % had moderate pain, 33.33 % had mild pain and none of them had severe pain for the pre- experimental group. The study result shows that the pre-test mean value for is 5.91 and pre-test SD 0.96. The post-test mean value is 2.86 and post-test SD is 1.04. The mean difference is 3.05. The calculated ‘t’value is 16.85 is higher than the table value 1.67. The study concluded that Beta vulgaris juice found to be effective non-pharmacological measures to reduce dysmenorrheal among adolescent girls.
Keywords |
Dysmenorrhea, adolescent girls, Beta vulgaris juice
Citation |
Mahalakshmi et al. Bioinformation 18(7): 657-660 (2022)
Edited by |
P Kangueane
Publisher |
License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.