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Palatal plane inclination on vertical growth pattern among Indians



Seerab Husain, Arvind Sivakumar* & Sri Rengalakshmi



Department of Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai, India; *Corresponding Author



Arvind Sivakumar - arvind.sdc@saveetha.com;T. Lakshmi – lakshmi@saveetha.com; Seerab Husain - E-mail: serab7421@gmail.com; Sri Rengalakshmi – E-mail: srirengalakshmi.sdc@saveetha.com


Article Type

Research Article



Received June 17, 2021; Revised September 27, 2021; Accepted September 27, 2021, Published December 31, 2021



The skeletal discrepancies in the vertical dimensions can either lead to a long face or a short face. The palatal plane inclination is one such contributing factor. The study sample comprised of 15 lateral cephalograms collected between the time period of June 2019 - March 2020 with 5 cephalograms belonging to skeletal Class I, II and III respectively. The inclination angle and mandibular plane angle were measured using the FACAD software. The obtained results were tabulated and statistically analysed using Pearson's correlation test to determine the correlation between the two variables. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between the skeletal malocclusions with a p value of 0.011. Thus, palatal plane inclination is not a major contributing factor for vertical growth pattern and it is suggestive of a multifactorial influence.



Inclination angle; mandibular plane; palatal plane; vertical growth pattern



Husain et al. Bioinformation 17(12): 1126-1129 (2021)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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