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Molecular modeling, docking and dynamics analysis of antimicrobial peptides with the ADP ribosylation toxins



Naresh Kumar Manda1 & Ekklesia MS Sesham2 *



1Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana 500046, India; 2Department of Biotechnology, KLEF (Deemed To Be University), Vaddeswaram, Guntur - 522502, A.P, India



Ekklesia MS Sesham - Email: ekkleshia@kluniversity.in;

Naresh Kumar - mnareshkumarphd@hotmail.com; *Corresponding author.


Article Type

Research Article



Received September 16, 2019; Revised December 18, 2019; Accepted December 25, 2019; Published December 31, 2019



Antimicrobial peptides are cationic, amphiphilic peptides of 12-50 residues with microbicidal activity against bacteria and fungi. The regulartory protein linked with ADP- ribosylation is an important pathological mechanism by which various bacterial toxins affect the eukaryotic cell functions and it is strongly responsible for the actions of several bacterial toxins. The hman-defensins are multifunctional arginine-rich peptides characterized by three intra-molecular disulfide bridges for structure stability. The antimicrobial peptides that are of interest to us are the human alpha and beta-defensins. The ADP-ribosylating 'A subunit' in known structures with PDB ID: 1XTC, PDB ID: 1WGE and PDB ID: 1TI1 are used in this study. Molecular docking analysis of the ADP-ribosylating toxin and antimicrobial peptides using the PATCH DOCK and FIRE DOCK servers were completed. Molecular dynamics dimulation (MDS) was performed for 0.5ns to study the interaction of ADP-ribosylating toxins and antimicrobial peptides. The RMSD values were plotted in a graph format and
hydrogen bonds at the interface are calculated and documented. These data show that the toxin is bound to ADP-ribosylating toxin through human alpha defensin 3. Information thus documented find application in combating ADP-ribosylating linked bacterial diseases.


Antimicrobial, amphiphilic peptides, ADP-ribosylation, cholera toxin, diphtheria toxin, pertussis toxin, E. coli heat-labile toxin



Manda & Sesham, Bioinformation 15(12): 896-906 (2019)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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