Title |
AUTOMINv1.0: an automation for minimization of Protein Data Bank files and its usage
Authors |
Rifat Nawaz Ul Islam$,1,
Debanjan Mitra$,2, Parth Sarthi Sen Gupta$,3,
Sahini Banerjee$,4,
Affiliation |
1Department of Zoology, The University of Burdwan, East Burdwan, West Bengal, India; 2Department of Biotechnology, The University of Burdwan, East Burdwan, West Bengal, India; 3Department of Chemistry, IISER Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha, India; 4Department of Biological Sciences, ISI, Kolkata, West Bengal, India; 5Department of Zoology, Burdwan Raj College, East Burdwan, West Bengal, India; #Equal contribution
Amal Kumar Bandyopadhyay - *E-mail: akbanerjee@biotech.buruniv.ac.in; *Corresponding author
Article Type |
Date |
Received December 3, 2018; Accepted December 6, 2018; Published December 22, 2018
Abstract |
Global minimal structure of
protein/enzyme is energetically compromised that maintains an
intricate balance between the rigidity and the flexibility. Such a
state makes it interactive to its ligand molecules. Although protein
data bank files (PDB) may have achieved the state, in many
situations minimization has been crucial to overcome unwanted steric
clashes, and other conformational strains. It is more so, when
orthologous PDB structures that are intended in a given study, show
variations in resolution, R-factor, shell-water contents, loop
characteristics etc. Here, a fully automated procedure of
minimization would be highly useful. AUTOMINv1.0 is such an
automation of minimization that runs on any number of structure
files with any number of chains in them along with the inclusion of
selective/non-selective shell-waters interacting with polar and or
non-polar atom-types of protein. Comparison of the mean binary items
of salt-bridges of minimized and un-minimized structures (chains >
100) of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from mimi virus shows dramatic
improvements in the earlier. Again, the mean steric clashes of
2AZ3.pdb are reduced upon minimization. Remarkably,
Keywords |
Automation; minimization; shell-water, CHARMM, Salt-bridge, steric clash
Citation |
Ul Islam et al. Bioinformation 14(9): 525-529 (2018)
Edited by |
P Kangueane
Publisher |
License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.