Title |
Attacin gene sequence variations in different ecoraces of tasar silkworm Antheraea mylitta
Authors |
Rati Sudha, Geetha N. Murthy, Arvind K. Awasthi, Kangayam M. Ponnuvel*
Affiliation |
Seribiotech Research Laboratory, Carmelram Post, Kodathi, Bangalore - 560 035, Karnataka, India.
kmpvel@rediffmail.com; *Corresponding author
Article Type |
Date |
Received October 17, 2015; Accepted October 19, 2015; Published October 31, 2015
Abstract |
Attacin gene exists as paralogous conversion and is being used for identification of strain variations in insects based on the sequence variation. Hence, a study was undertaken to analyze the sequence variation of the attacin gene isoforms in the tasar silkworm Anthereae mylitta that exists in the form of different ecoraces depending upon the environment, food plant and location. Comparison of the previously reported attacin sequences with the DNA sequences of attacin A and B genes revealed six amino acid substitutions among the sequences of the ecoraces which however did not affect the functional domain of Attacin. The generated dendrogram clearly indicated unique branches for each ecorace with two separate gene clusters for attacin A and B. The Sarihan ecorace formed a separate sub-group under both the gene clusters. The present study also revealed the presence of Attacin_N Superfamily domain exclusively in Exon I separated from the Attacin_C Superfamily domain that was present in Exon II and part of Exon III, a prominent character of attacin gene. The phylogenetic reconstruction analysis of attacin gene in A.mylitta supported the common evolutionary origin of attacin genes belonging to the Lepidoteran and Dipteran families which formed two separate clusters.
Citation |
et al.
Bioinformation 11(10):481-485 (2015) |
Edited by |
P Kangueane
Publisher |
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This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.