Title |
Isolation and characterization of ethanol tolerant yeast strains
Authors |
Chiranjeevi Tikka1, Hari Prasad Osuru1, Navya Atluri2, Praveen Chakravarthi Veera Raghavulu1, Nanda Kumar yellapu1, Ismail Shaik Mannur1, Uppu Venkateswara Prasad3, Sudheer Aluru1, Narasimha Varma K1 & Matcha Bhaskar1*
Affiliation |
1Division of Animal Biotechnology, Dept. of Zoology, S.V. University, Tirupati, AP, India; 2Department of Applied Microbiology, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, AP, India; 3Department of Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, A.P, India |
matchabhaskar2010@gmail.com; *Corresponding authors |
Article Type |
Hypothesis |
Date |
Received March 31, 2013; Accepted April 01, 2013; Published April 30, 2013 |
Abstract |
Yeast strains are commonly associated with sugar rich environments. Various fruit samples were selected as source for isolating yeast cells. The isolated cultures were identified at Genus level by colony morphology, biochemical characteristics and cell morphological characters. An attempt has been made to check the viability of yeast cells under different concentrations of ethanol. Ethanol tolerance of each strain was studied by allowing the yeast to grow in liquid YEPD (Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose) medium having different concentrations of ethanol. A total of fifteen yeast strains isolated from different samples were used for the study. Seven strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae obtained from different fruit sources were screened for ethanol tolerance. The results obtained in this study show a range of tolerance levels between 7%-12% in all the stains. Further, the cluster analysis based on 22 RAPD (Random Amplified polymorphic DNA) bands revealed polymorphisms in these seven Saccharomyces strains.
Keywords |
Yeast, Ethanol, RAPD, Polymorphism
Citation |
Tikka et al.
Bioinformation 9(8): 421-425 (2013) |
Edited by |
P Kangueane
Publisher |
License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. |