Title |
Is there an alternative to increasing the sample size in microarray studies?
Authors |
Lev Klebanov1, 2 and Andrei Yakovlev2*
Affiliation |
1Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, University of Rochester, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 630, Rochester, New York 14642; 2Department of Probability and Statistics, Charles University, and Institute of Informatics and Control of the National Academy of Sciences, Sokolovska 83, Praha-8, CZ-18675, Czech Republic
Andrei_Yakovlev@URMC.Rochester.edu; * Corresponding author
Article Type |
Views & Challenges
Date |
received October 05, 2006; accepted January 29, 2007; published online April 10, 2007 |
Abstract |
Our answer to the question posed in the title is negative. This intentionally provocative note discusses the issue of sample size in microarray studies from several angles. We suggest that the current view of microarrays as no more than a screening tool be changed and small sample studies no longer be considered appropriate.
sample size; microarray; alternative |
Citation |
Klebanov & Yakovlev, Bioinformation 1(10): 429-431 (2007)
Edited by |
Susmita Datta
Publisher |
License |
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. This is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. |